Key Issue
Key Outcome
Alberta Environmental Laws 101 Connection to Curriculum
To what extent should we embrace nationalism? |
Students will understand, assess and respond to the complexities of nationalism. |
Use the chart below for ideas on how to connect the Social Studies 10-2 Curriculum with content from the Alberta Environmental Laws 101 website. |
Related Issues
General Outcome
Alberta Environmental Laws 101 Connection to Curriculum
- Should nation be the foundation of identity?
Students will explore the relationships among identity, nation and nationalism. |
Constitutional Law
- Is the Constitution the legal basis for Canada as a nation?
- Should we include the environment in the Constitution?
- Does the inclusion of the environment in the Constitution change our conception of nationalism?
- Does nationalism have a place in the environment?
Complete Charter of Rights and Freedoms Lesson Plan |
Related Issues
General Outcome
Alberta Environmental Laws 101 Connection to Curriculum
- Should nations pursue national interest?
Students will assess impacts of nationalism, ultranationalism and the pursuit of national interest. |
Managing our Environmental Resources
- Where does nationalism fit into how we manage our resources?
- What about when we think about global commons like the oceans or the atmosphere?
Complete the Tragedy of the Commons Lesson Plan |
Climate Change
- Will nationalism lose its importance as we face the major global issue of climate change?
- Is ultra nationalism affecting our ability to fight climate change? Think of ‘America First’ & countries pulling out of the Paris Agreement.
- Should we be moving away from nationalism?
Complete the Climate Change Litigation Lesson Plan |
Related Issues
General Outcome
Alberta Environmental Laws 101 Connection to Curriculum
- Should internationalism be pursued?
Students will assess impacts of the pursuit of internationalism in contemporary global affairs. |
Climate Change
- Are the effects of climate change also an effect of internationalism?
- What is the significance of globalization/internationalism when responding to the issue of climate change? Think of climate refugees and international climate litigation.
Complete the Climate Change Litigation Lesson Plan |
Related Issues
General Outcome
Alberta Environmental Laws 101 Connection to Curriculum
- Should individuals and groups in Canada embrace a national identity?
Students will assess strategies for negotiating the complexities of nationalism within the Canadian context. |
Environmental Justice
- How is nationalism complicated by the unequal treatment of different groups?
- What about Indigenous peoples?
- How do Indigenous peoples fit into our colonial version of a national identity, especially considering that they are often subject to environmental racism?
Toxins & Waste
- What is the relevance of national identify for people forced to relocate due to toxins/pollution?
- What if your province/city is not protecting you from toxins & waste due to inadequate laws & regulations? Would that affect your feelings of national identity?
Climate Change
- What is a national identify worth as areas of the world become inhabitable due to climate change? See section on climate refugees.
- Should our national identity change to reflect this?
Complete the Climate Change Litigation Lesson Plan |