SOCIAL STUDIES 30-1: Perspectives on Ideology

Curriculum Connections: SOCIAL 30-1


SOCIAL STUDIES 30-1: Perspectives on Ideology


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Key Issue
Key Outcome
Alberta Environmental Laws 101 Connection to Curriculum
To what extent should we embrace an ideology? Students will understand, assess and respond to the complexities of ideologies. Use the chart below for ideas on how to connect the Social Studies 10-2 Curriculum with content from the Alberta Environmental Laws 101 website.
Related Issues
General Outcome
Alberta Environmental Laws 101 Connection to Curriculum
  1. To what extent should ideology be the foundation of identity?
Students will explore the relationship between identity and ideology. Fundamentals of Environmental Law

  • Is environmentalism a new form of ideology?
  • What does that say about the important concepts relied on in environmental law?
Species Law

  • Does our ideology affect how we treat/protect species at risk?
  • Consider species at risk laws within the context of the Anthropocene.
Related Issues
General Outcome
Alberta Environmental Laws 101 Connection to Curriculum
  1. To what extent is resistance to liberalism justified?
Students will assess impacts of, and reactions to principles of liberalism. Fundamentals of Environmental Law

  • Is resistance to liberalism echoed in environmental law concepts?
  • How?
Environmental Justice

  • How has the imposition of liberalism affected different groups of people in different ways?
Species Law

  • Is the theory of anthropocentrism in contrast with protecting our species?
  • Should we alter this ideology to better protect our species at risk?
  • Is this a resistance to liberalism?
Related Issues
General Outcome
Alberta Environmental Laws 101 Connection to Curriculum
  1. To what extent are the principles of liberalism viable?
Students will assess the extent to which the principles of liberalism are viable in a contemporary world. Constitutional Law

  • Does the Constitution exemplify the underlying tenets of our liberal society through its protection of individual rights?
  • Is this antithetical to environmental protection?
  • What should we do to include the environment in our liberal constitutional system?

Complete the Charter of Rights and Freedoms Lesson Plan

Energy Law

  • Should we have individual rights to access resources and develop the land?
  • How does this connect with a transition to renewable energy?
  • Does this need to be balanced with collective rights to a healthy environment?
Climate Change

  • Do individual rights need to be harnessed to prevent further harm from climate change?
  • What is the balance between individual and collective rights in light of climate change?
  • What should the balance be going forward?

Complete Climate Change Litigation Lesson Plan

Related Issues
General Outcome
Alberta Environmental Laws 101 Connection to Curriculum
  1. To what extent should my actions as a citizen be shaped by an ideology?
Students will assess their rights, roles and responsibilities as citizens. Fundamentals of Environmental Law

  • Are my responsibilities for the environment affected by my ideology?
Constitutional Law

  • Consider constitutional supremacy as an ideology and how that affects my role as a citizen.
  • What are my rights and responsibility under the Constitution? What about when it comes to the environment?
  • Would my rights and responsibilities change if the environment was added to the Constitution?

Complete Charter of Rights and Freedoms Lesson Plan

Environmental Justice

What are my rights and responsibilities as a citizen to protect and enhance environmental justice?


Throughout each topic, we have highlighted connections to Alberta high school curriculum to assist students and teachers with connecting this resource to classroom learning.