SOCIAL 30-1 Perspectives on Ideology
KEY ISSUE: To what extent should we embrace an ideology?
KEY OUTCOME: Students will understand, assess and respond to the complexities of ideologies.
Related Issue 3: To what extent are the principles of liberalism viable?
Related Outcome 3: Students will assess the extent to which the principles of liberalism are viable in a contemporary world.
- Does the constitution exemplify the underlying tenets of our liberal society through its protection of individual rights?
- Is this antithetical to environmental protection?
- What should we do to include the environment in our liberal constitutional system?
Related Issue 4: To what extent should my actions as a citizen be shaped by an ideology?
Related Outcome 4: Students will assess their rights, roles and responsibilities as citizens.
- Consider constitutional supremacy as an ideology and how that affects my role as a citizen.
- What are my rights and responsibility under the Constitution? What about when it comes to the environment?
- Would my rights and responsibilities change if the environment was added to the Constitution?