by abenvirolaws in Species Law
This section allows students to study and learn about caribou, sage-grouse, fish, and other plants and animals but more importantly it focuses on how the law is (or sometimes isn’t) protecting these species and their homes. Federal and provincial governments often disagree about who should be responsible for species management – a fight which is ultimately lost by the species as a result of government inaction. This section will introduce you to how government seeks to manage different species. This is a great topic to focus on if you are interested in either animals or in land management.
Species law is one of our topical sections focused on a more discrete area of the law – the others include energy, water, toxins & waste, and climate change. You can jump around these sections in any order and can focus on a particular topic that is important to you or you can start here and move through each one – this will help you understand how each area of environmental law is connected. Start with the links on the left hand side, and as you complete each sub-topic, you will follow the links at the bottom of each page (or the links on the left hand side) to the next topic in order.
Additional Resources
Species and the Law >> |
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